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/ The Best of Select: Games 13 / The Best of Select: Games 13.iso / dosgames / xmasdimo

Jump To: Image (1)  |  Text (7)  |  Other (23)

Images (1)

Text (7)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
bestell.txt Text File 67 2KB 1995-09-25
file_id.diz Text File 10 348b 1995-08-27
go.bat DOS Batch File 5 25b 1996-12-04
liesmich.bat DOS Batch File 25 820b 1995-08-27
source.dsc Text File 32 2KB 1995-12-02
support.bat DOS Batch File 17 996b 1995-06-12
werbung.txt Text File 76 3KB 1995-09-25

Other Files (23)
dimono.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 49KB 1995-08-28
dimono.pif Microsoft Windows Program Information File 545b 1995-08-26
d000.spr Unknown 706b 1994-03-28
d001.spr Unknown 523b 1995-08-09
d002.spr Unknown 523b 1995-08-26
d003.spr Unknown 523b 1995-08-07
d004.spr Unknown 523b 1995-08-26
d005.spr Unknown 523b 1995-08-26
d006.spr Unknown 523b 1995-08-08
d007.spr Unknown 523b 1995-08-26
d008.spr Unknown 523b 1995-08-26
logo.pic Unknown 6KB 1994-11-17
xmas.spr Unknown 1KB 1995-05-11
ziffer.000 Unknown 155b 1994-08-13
ziffer.001 Unknown 155b 1994-08-13
ziffer.002 Unknown 155b 1994-08-13
ziffer.003 Unknown 155b 1994-08-13
ziffer.004 Unknown 155b 1994-08-13
ziffer.005 Unknown 155b 1994-08-13
ziffer.006 Unknown 155b 1994-08-13
ziffer.007 Unknown 155b 1994-08-13
ziffer.008 Unknown 155b 1994-08-13
ziffer.009 Unknown 155b 1994-08-13